Finally I was able to take a vacation! I only had a few pictures so I thought I would share them with you here, and tell you a little bit about my trip.
So we left at midnight to drive all the way to the best place ever, Six Flags Magic Mountain! Talk about a long road trip! But it was all worth it somehow we managed to ride nearly everything X2 and Tarsus were AMAZING!!! And how could you go wrong with Goliath? By the end of that day we were so exhausted.
DAY 2 included driving to Venice beach aka "muscle beach" so we caught some rays...a lot of rays actually, made sand castles, body surfed, and walked along the board walk. It was wonderful till it was time to hop on that freeway and go home...stinking LA traffic. Overall the trip was a sucsess and we all had lots of fun. :)